Ontario Trillium Foundation

For over 30 years, The Ontario Trillium Foundation’s core business has been to invest in community-based initiatives that help build healthy and vibrant communities throughout Ontario. Every year, more than 3,000 applications are received, and over $110 million in grants is awarded to some 1,300 public benefit sector organizations. Without the support of OTF the Fish Bypass would not have been built.




Ontario Power Generation

For OPG and its employees, being a part of the community is about so much more than simply generating electricity. It’s about being engaged community members that encourage and support local organizations and initiatives that help keep our communities strong and healthy. After all, we don’t just work here, we live here too.

The Corporate Citizenship Program (CCP) is one way OPG demonstrates its commitment to the well-being of the communities that host our facilities. Since 1999, OPG through the CCP, has been proud to provide community investment (charitable, not-for-profit, and in-kind) support to grass roots host community initiatives like Valleys 2000

OPG’s community citizenship is also reflected in the hundreds of hours many of their employees devote annually to volunteer work within their communities, and through the Employee and Pensioner Charity Campaign which raises about $2 million annually for charities of choice.




St. Marys Cement


St Marys Cement Group has been a part of the construction industry for over 90 years. The St Marys Cement Group owns and operates St Marys Cement, Canadian Building Materials (CBM), and Hutton Transport. In 1968 St Marys Cement wanted to expand its business and opened a plant that would be closer to the rising market in the Toronto area. As such they acquired 600 acres in Bowmanville Ontario which is now the home of St Marys Cement Bowmanville Plant. St Marys Cement was purchased by the Votorantim Group, a family owned Brazilian Company, in 2001. Votorantim employs over 60,000 employees worldwide. The Bowmanville plant runs consecutively 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and employs over 130 valuable individuals.

St Marys Cement participated in such landmark projects as the CN Tower, Roy Thompson Hall, and the Darlington Nuclear Station, as well as countless other engineering, civic and residential projects that significantly contributed to the growth and prosperity of the region.

St Marys Cement values our relationship with the community. It is continually focusing on initiatives to improve its environmental impacts and energy efficiency. In addition it strives to be an outstanding corporate citizen. It does this by participating in local committees and events, and through sponsorships and donations to local charities, organizations, and sporting teams.
